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d q μ
d τ
= ∂H 2
λ 2 ( q 1 ,q 2 ) p μ ,
∂p μ =
d p μ
d τ
( p 1 + p 2 )
∂q μ
λ 2 ( q 1 ,q 2 ) .
Note that the Hamilton equations as a system of four differential equations of first order in
the variable {q ( τ ) ,p ( τ ) } do not appear in the form we are used to from mechanics, a result
caused by the effect that no dynamical time has been introduced. Equation ( E.27 ) can also be
directly derived by ( E.21 ) as soon as the system of two differential equations of second order in
the variable q μ ( τ ) is transformed by means of ( E.22 ) into a system of four differential equations
of first order in the “state variable” {q ( τ ) ,p ( τ ) } . Furthermore, note that a condensed form of
the Hamilton equations is achieved as soon as we introduce the antisymmetric metric tensor
(symplectic tensor) ( E.28 ).
Ω :=
= 0 μν + δ μν
= 0+ 2
ω ij
−δ μν 0 μν
I 2 0
Ω 1 :=
:= ij } = 0 μν −δ μν
= 0 I 2
+ δ μν 0 μν
+I 2 0
In terms of the four-vector ( E.29 ) (state vector) being an element of the phase space, the Hamilton
equations in their contravariant and covariant form, respectively, are given by ( E.30 ). In particular,
the phase space is equipped with the metric ( E.31 ).
q 1
q 2
p 1
p 2
y :=
dy i
d τ
ω ij ∂H 2
∂y j
i, j
1 , 2 , 3 , 4
ω ij dy i
∂H 2
y j
d τ
i, j
1 , 2 , 3 , 4
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