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k 2
1) .
x 2
k 2 x 2
We here note that the factor k is called the elliptic modulus and that the function x =am( u,k )
called Jacobian amplitude within
u := F ( x, k ):= x
d x
1 − x 2 1 − k 2 x 2 ,x = F 1 ( u,k )=am( u,k ) .
By means of the elementary substitution x =sin Φ , the elliptic integral of the first kind is reduced
to the following normal trigonometric form:
u := F ( φ, k ):= φ
d φ
= F 1 ( u,k )=am( u,k ) .
k 2 sin 2 φ
We here additionally note that C. G. J. Jacobi (1804-1851) and N. H. Abel (1802-1829) had the
bright idea to replace Legendre's elliptic integral of the first kind by its inverse function. The
inverse function is the “simplest elliptic function” : see Definition C.1 .
Definition C.1 (Elliptic functions).
sin φ = sin am( u,k )=:sn( u,k ) ,
cos φ = cosam( u,k )=:cn( u,k ) ,
1 − k 2 sin 2 φ = 1 − k 2 sin 2 am( u,k )=:dn( u,k ) ,
to be read “sinus amplitudinis”, “cosinus amplitudinis”, and “delta amplitudinis”.
End of Definition.
These functions are doubly periodic generalizations of the circular trigonometric functions satis-
sn( u, 0) = sin u,
cn( u, 0) = cos u,
dn( u, 0) = 1 .
sn( u,k ) , cn( u,k ), and dn( u,k ) may also be defined as solutions of the differential equa-
tions ( C.9 ), ( C.11 ), and ( C.13 ) of first order or as solutions of the differential equa-
tions ( C.15 ), ( C.17 ), and ( C.19 ) of second order: see Lemmas C.2 and C.3 .
Lemma C.2 (Differential equations of elliptic functions).
The elliptic functions sn( u,k ), cn ( u,k ),anddn( u,k ) satisfy the trigonometric and the algebraic
differential equations of first order that follow:
x =sn u, sn u = dsn u
d u
=cn u dn u,
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