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This defines the general problem of homogeneous polynomial series inversion. It reduces to con-
struct the matrices
B 11 , B 12 , ..., B 1 n− 1 , B 1 n }
from the given matrices
A 11 , A 12 , ..., A 1 n− 1 ,
A 1 n }
by the GKS algorithm as outlined in Box B.3 .
Box B.3 (Algorithm for the construction of a multivariate homogeneous polynomial of degree
n ).
1st polynomial:
A 1 k 2 x [ k 2 ] [ k 1 ]
+ β 1 n +1 .
x =
B 1 k 1
k 1 =1
k 2 =1
2nd polynomial:
A 1 k 2 x [ k 2 ] [ k 1 ]
x [2] =
B 2 k y [ k ] + β 2 n +1 =
+ β 2 n +1 .
B 2 k 1
k =2
k 1=2
k 2 =1
n th polynomial:
x [ n ] =B nn y [ n ] + β nn +1 =B nn A nn x [ n ] + β nn +1 .
Again taking advantage of the basic product rule between Cayley and Kronecker-Zehfuss
multiplication, i.e. ( AC ) ( BD )=( A ⊗ B )( C ⊗ D ), we arrive at the following results.
Forward substitution:
x [2]
x [ n− 1]
x [ n− 1]
x [2]
x [ n− 1]
x [ n− 1]
(Note that
A is given by Box B.4 . )
Backward substitution:
B =I
see first row B 1 n given in Box B.5 .
} ,
where the columm array powers are to be understood with respect to the Kronecker-Zehfuss
product. Again, advantage is taken from the basic product rule ( AC ) ( BD )=( A⊗B )( C ⊗D ),
also called “reduction of the Kronecker-Zehfuss product to the Cayley product”, by replacing such
an identity into the power series equations, the upper triangular matrix
First, in the forward substitution, we construct a set of equations for { x , x [2] , ..., x [ n− 1] , x [2]
as well as its inverse
B :=
A . Second, while Box B.4 collects the input matrices A mn , which built up
A ,by
means of Box B.5 , we compute its inverse
B , namely its first row
B 11 , B 12 , ..., B 1 n− 1 , B 1 n
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