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For the Cartesian product, alternative notions are direct product, product set, cross set, pair set ,
or union set .
Exercise A.1 (Cartesian product).
The set of theoretical operations
, we shortly call intersection, union, symmetric
difference, difference ,and Cartesian product . They are illustrated by Figs. A.2 , A.3 , A.4 , A.5 ,
A.6 , A.7 ,and A.8 . With respect to these operations, draw the Cartesian product A × B of the
following sets A and B :
(i) A :=
N |
[1; 3]
x =4
B := {y ∈ N |y ∈ [1; 2] ∨ y =3 } ,
(ii) A := { 1 , 2 , 3 } ,
B := {y ∈ N |y ∈ [1; 2[ ∪{ 3 }} ,
(iii) A := [1; 2] ]3; 4[ ,
B := [0; 1] [3; 4[ .
Here, we have applied the definitions of a closed, left and right open intervals:
[ x ; y ]:= x
] x ; y ]:= x<
[ x ; y [:= x ≤•<y,
] x ; y [:= x<• <y.
End of Exercise.
Fig. A.2. Venn diagram/Euler circles A
B : the intersection A
B of two sets A and B is the set of all elements
which are elements of the set Aand the set B : A
B :=
B as a set of third kind, we have to understand
better the power set P ( A ) of a set, the intersection and union of set systems , and the partitioning
of a set system into subsets called fibering .
In order to interpret the Cartesian product A
Example A.3 (Power set).
The power set as the set of all subsets of a set A may be demonstrated by the set A = { 1 , 2 , 3 } ,
whose complete list of subsets read
M 1 =
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