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g 2 ( V )+ h 2 ( V )
Λ 2 =
cos n− 1 V ( n +1) 2 cos 2 Vsin 2 V + α 2 [ cos 2 V ( n + a ) − n ] 2
Box 23.25 (Conformal mapping of the church tower of onion shape
2 onto the circular
g ( v ) ).
f = g 2( V )+ h 2( V )
g ( V )
g ( V )
Λ 1 (V) = Λ 2 (V)
f ( V )= g V g 2( V )+ h 2( V )
g ( V )
dV + c
f ( V )=0
c = 0
(n + 1) 2 cos 2 V sin 2 V + a 2 [cos 2 V (n + 1)
( n +1) ( n +1) / 2 V
n] 2
n n/ 2
d V (23.114)
f ( V )=
cos 2 V sin 2 V
For the case ( β )ofan equiareal mapping the “ canonical postulate Λ 1 Λ 2 =1 , the product
identity of the eigenvalues (left principal stretches), the first order differential equation ( 23.115 )
is generates which is solved by direct integration ( 23.116 ). The integration constant c is again
fixed by the boundary condition ( 23.117 ), namely y ( V )= f ( V )=0for ˆ V= arcos n/ ( n +1).
The final mapping equation y = f ( V ) , namely ( 23.118 ) is left as an integral to be numerically
Finally based upon case ( γ ), the identity of the second eigenvalues (left principal stretches) Λ 2 =
1 , the “ canonical postulate ” generates the first order differential equation ( 23.119 )ofBox 23.27 .
Solved by direct integration ( 23.120 ), the integration constant c is again fixed by the boundary
condition ( 23.121 ). The final mapping equation ( 23.122 ) of an equidistant mapping of the church
tower of onion shape onto a developed circular cylinder is presented in an integral form, suited
for numerical integration.
Box 23.26 (Equiareal mapping of the church tower of the onion shape M := Z onto the
circular cylinder
g ( V ) ).
g ( V ) g 2 ( V )+ h 2 ( V )
Λ 1 (V) Λ 2 (V) = 1 V ↔ f = g ( V )
g ( V ) g 2 ( V )+ h 2 ( V ) dV + c
g V
f ( V )=
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