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We begin with a general set-up of the mapping equations for case ( i ) circular cylinder and case
( ii ) circular cone by
= U
f ( V )
= r cos α
or α = nU, r = g ( V )
sin α
, r) which cover R 2 . Case ( i ):
The mapping equations ( 23.55 ) have been set-up in such a way that the circular cylinder inter-
sects the circular paraboloid at V =1, the vertical coordinate, namely for case ( i 1), a conformal
mapping. In contrast for case ( i 2), an equiareal mapping, and case ( i 3), an equidistant map-
ping. For V =0 ,y = f (0)=0 is required which g enerates—as we shall see—a cylinder of radius
either in terms of Cartesian coordinates ( x, y )or polar coordinates (
f (1) = (5 5 1) / 12 for case ( i 2) and f (1) = 5 / 2+arcsinh2 / 4for case ( i 3), respectively. Case
( ii ): Let us denote the conic angle θ such that n =sin θ and α = U sin θ hold for the conic constant
and the polar coordinate, the azimuth, respectively. The mapping equations ( 23.56 ) have been set-
up in such a way that for V =0 ,x = y = 0 is an identity. In particular, for case ( ii1 ), a conformal
mapping, the circular cone intersects the circular paraboloid at V =1, the vertical coordinate. In
contrast, for case ( ii2 ), an equiareal mapping, and case ( ii3 ), an equidistant mapping, for V =0,
r = g (0) = 0 is postulated which gene ra tes—as we shall see—a cone of radius g(1) =
5 5
1 / 6 n for case ( ii2 ) and g(1) = 5 / 2+arcsinh2 / 4for case ( ii 3), respectively.
M 2 of type paraboloid
P 2 , vertical section, projective design
Fig. 23.15. Two-dimensional Riemann manifold
C 1 of radius one (normal placement) and of the circular cone
C 0 (normal placement)
of the circular cylinder
Thus we are left with the problem to determine the unknown function f ( V )for case ( i )aswell
as g ( V )for case ( ii ). Here we follow the constructive approach of the theory of map projections
in cases where the structure of the map ( 23.55 )aswellas( 23.56 )isgiven.Its generic steps are
outlined in Boxes 23.17 - 23.20 :The first generic step is based upon the “ left Jacobi map ”being
represented by the matrices ( 23.58 )and( 23.59 )of first derivatives subject to the condition ( 23.60 )
which preserves the orientation of the differential map ( dx, dy )or( dα, dr ) ( dU , dV ) also called
pullback ”. The representation of the “ left Cauchy-Green deformation tensor C l := J l G r J l
subjects to the “ right metric tensor G r = I 2 (unit matrix) for case ( i )or G r = Diag ( r 2 , 1) for
case ( ii ), respectively. As soon as we compare the “ left metric tensor G l of the paraboloid P 2
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