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B 2 arctan A
]sin U
2 B
B 2 tan V
A 2
A 2
y=( A + B ) exp [
B 2 arctan A
A + B
A + B cos V exp [
2 B
A 2
B 2 tan V
Λ 1 = Λ 2 =
A 2
(ii) equiareal:
x = 2 ABV +2 B 2 sin V +( A + B ) 2 cos U
y= 2 ABV +2 B 2 sin V +( A + B ) 2 sin U
Λ 1 =( A + B cos V ) 1 2 ABV +2 B 2 sin V +( A + B ) 2
A + B cos V
2 ABV +2 B 2 sin V +( A + B ) 2
Λ 2 =
(iii) equidistant:
x=(A+B+BV)cos U
y=(A+B+BV)sin U
Λ 1 = A + B + BV
A + B cos V ,
2 =1
)ofan equiareal mapping the “ canonical postulate Λ 1 Λ 2 = 1, the product
identity of the eigenvalues (left principal stretches), the first order differential equations ( 23.10a )
and ( 23.10b ) are generated which are solved by ( 23.10c ), ( 23.10d )and( 23.10e ), respectively.
The integration constants c f and c g , respectively, are fixed by the boundary conditions ( 23.10f )
and ( 23.10h ), respectively. Thus we are led to the mapping equations ( 23.10g )and( 23.10i ).
Finally based upon case (
For the case (
), the identity of the second eigenvalue (left principal stretch) Λ 2 =
1, the “canonical postulate” generates the first order differential equations ( 23.11a )aswell
as ( 23.11b ). Solved by direct integration ( 23.11c )aswellas( 23.11d ) their integration constant c f
and c g s, respectively, are fixed by the boundary conditions ( 23.11e )and( 23.11g ), respectively,
leading to the final mapping equations ( 23.11f )and( 23.11h ), respectively.
Boxes 23.6 and 23.7 are a collection of the final mapping equations of the torus T
2 A,B onto a
central plane which is parallel to T π/ 2 M
2 and onto the circular cylinder C
A + B which is developed,
namely of type conformal, equiareal and equidistant.
Figures 23.3 , 23.4 , 23.5 , 23.6 , 23.7 ,and 23.8 are a visualization of various toroidal map projec-
tions where as a theme a cardoid onto a torus T
2 A,B has been mapped as an object.
Box 23.7 (Mapping the torus
A,B onto a circular cylinder
A + B : (i) conformal, (ii) equiareal,
(iii) equidistant, left principal stretches Λ 1 2 ).
(i) conformal:
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