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the left surface element
dS l = dL dQ det G l = dL dQA 2 ( Q )= dl dqA 2 ( Q )
has been represented in terms of isometric coordinates of Mercator type ( L, Q ).
End of Theorem.
For the proof of Theorem 22.2 we refer to Appendix 2. Let us comment here on the results. By
means of Eq.( 22.41 ) we define the domain of the Reference Meridian Strip. L 0 denotes the Ref-
erence Longitude like in Gauss-Krueger conformal mapping or in Universal Transverse Mercator
Projection (UTM). Since the isometric coordinates ( L, Q ) are generating a conformal mapping of
Mercator type, the distortion energy takes the special from with respect to the left factor of confor-
mality Λ 2 ( Q ) as outlined in Eqs.( 22.42 )-( 22.43 ). In particular the surface element of Eq.( 22.52 )
is specific to the left factor of conformality Λ 2 ( Q ) of type Eq.( 22.50 ). The transformation of
Gauss surface normal latitude B to isometric latitude Q is parameterized by Eq.( 22.51 ). The
coordinates of the left metric tensor G l are given in the conformal from of Eq.( 22.48 ), while the
coordinates of the left Cauchy-Green deformation tensor C l are specialized by Eq.( 22.49 ). Finally
enjoy the simple structure of the Laplace-Beltrami equation in isometric coordinates (conformal
coordinates, isothermal coordinates).
Now let us solve the Laplace-Beltrami equation in isometric coordinates of Mercator type on
the ellipsoid-of-revolution.
22-3 Solving the Laplace-Beltrami Equation on the International
Reference Ellipsoid, the Boundary Value Problem of an Arc
Preserving Mapping
Here we have two targets. At first we are going to solve the Laplace-Beltrami equation which
generates harmonic functions on the ellipsoid of revolution which represents the International
Reference Ellipsoid. Secondly based upon such a solution in the function space of Taylor polyno-
mials we determine the coecients of such a harmonic expansion by means of a properly chosen
vector-valued boundary value problem .
22-31 Solving the Vector-Valued Laplace-Beltrami Equation
in the Function Space of Harmonic Taylor Polynomials
How should we solve the Laplace-Beltrami equation Δξ ( q,l )=0 ,Δη ( q,l ) = 0 which generates
harmonic maps x = ξ ( q,l ) ,y = η ( q,l )=0
One standard method of solving Δξ =0 ,Δη = 0 is by means of separation of variables as
outlined in Grafarend ( 1995 , pp. 452-454) for harmonic functions on the ellipsoid of revolution.
Alternatively, following a proposal of Gauss ( 1822 )wesetup harmonic Taylor polynomials which
do not follow the recipe of separation of variables.
In Table 22.4 , we present you with the “ansatz” for bivariate harmonic Taylor polynomials
in relative isometric coordinates of Mercator type. We setup by means of Eqs.( 22.54 )-( 22.57 )
homogeneous, bivariate polynomials ξ ( q,l ) ( q,l ) of degree r (rank r) which are supposed to
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