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figure of the Earth. In this case ( L , B ) as a pair of ellipsoidal coordinates refer to “surface nor-
mal” ellipsoidal longitude L and “surface normal” ellipsoidal latitude B . Such a specific set of
parameters derives its name from its spherical image of the ellipsoidal surface normal, called
Gauss map ”( Grafarend 2000 ). Indeed it is the standard geodetic coordinate system used in
LPS (“Local Positioning System”: local problem solver) and GPS (“Global Positioning Sys-
tem”: global problem solver). In order to solve the vector-valued Laplace-Beltrami equation
Δx ( L, B )=0 ,Δy ( L, B )=0 , ( L, B )
A 1 ,A 2 R
( x, y ) uniquely we have to formulate a
vector-valued boundary value problem . Its solution leads us to the new map of the ellipsoid of
revolution, which is in “ harmony ”.
There is vast literature on harmonic maps. Any advanced textbook on differential geometry,
differential topology or variational calculus contains a review on harmonic maps. Let us mention:
Wood ( 1994 ), Melko and Stirling ( 1994 ), Yang ( 2000 ) focus on the concepts of distortion energy
and tension and give an invariant formulation. Hamilton ( 1975 ) gives the general Laplacian gen-
erating harmonic maps. As examples of harmonic maps the following list is given: (i) harmonic
maps are the harmonic functions, (ii) harmonic maps are geodesics, (iii) every isometry is har-
monic, (iv) a conformal map is one, which preserves angles, every conformal map is harmonic,
(the converse is not true) and others. give an existence theorem of harmonic mappings of weak
type. Jorgens ( 1955 ) explored harmonic mappings between double connected regions including iso-
lated singularities. In a special volume Jost ( 1964 ) addresses the theoretical problem of harmonic
maps between surfaces by focusing on conformal mappings, the minimizing distortion energy in a
restricted subclass of a special Sobolev Space on the related Dirichlet problem, in particular the
existence theorem of harmonic maps between compact surfaces by Lemaire . Furthermore he dis-
cusses the Ruh-Vilms Theorem stating that the Gauss map of a submanifold of a Euclidean space
with constant mean curvature is harmonic as well as immersed surfaces of constant Gauss curva-
ture ,in
3 .Ofmore constructive nature is Jost ( 1995 ) text where harmonic maps are developed
on 108 pages.
Harmonic maps beside their use in map projections found great applications in General Rel-
ativity. On the level of the first post-Newtonian approximation (1pN) the harmonic gauge has
been introduced for generating “ harmonic coordinates ”. For more details let us refer to Damour
et al. ( 1991 ), (pp. 75-76), Schwarze ( 1995 , pp. 18-21) and Weinberg ( 1972 , pp. 161-163, 179, 181,
216-220, 254, 262).
Actually we wonder that for optimal map projections harmonic maps have not yet been used
for geodetic maps of the Earth. Probably the missing boundary value problem may be considered
as an argument for such a situation as already been pointed out by Grafarend ( 1995 )inthereview
paper on optimal Universal Transverse Mercator Projection (opt UTM). Another reason may be
that ellipsoidal harmonic map subject to a properly chosen boundary value problem is neither
conformal nor equilateral, but of minimal distortion energy. Such a harmony gives us hope that
there is a bright future of the ellipsoidal harmonic map for “mapping the Earth”.
Here we are organized as following: In Sect. 22-2 we set up the functional of type energy (average
distortion energy) by means of a properly chosen energy density (distortion density) (tr C l G 1 / 2),
which is integrated over the reference meridian strip . C l denotes the left Cauchy-Green defor-
mation tensor and G l , respectively, the left metric tensor of
A 1 ,A 2
, the ellipsoid of revolution
of semi-major axis A 1 and semi-minor axis A 2 . Indeed such an energy density is the arithmetic
mean of the lift principle stretches ( Λ 1 , Λ 2 ), namely Λ 1 + Λ 2 ) / 2, which build up the “ left distortion
A 1 ,A 2
In consequence, we outline the first variation of energy functional which leads us to the vector-
valued Laplace-Beltrami equations {Δx ( L, B ) ,Δy ( L, B ) } in terms of surface normal coordinates
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