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Fig. 20.6. An example of a Soldner map, centered at the Tubingen Observatory, Germany, original map. x
y c ,
y c
20-32 Second Problem of Soldner Coordinates: Geodetic Parallel
Coordinates, Input
{L, B, L 0 ,B 0 }
Versus Output
y c ,y
x c }
The inverse problem to derive the Soldner coordinates
x = y c ,y = x c }
from the given values
is again solved by series inversion, the result of which is provided by ( 20.127 )
and ( 20.128 ), with ( μν ) x and ( μν ) y as Soldner inverse series coecients (Figs. 20.5 and 20.6 ).
L, B, L 0 ,B 0 }
( μν ) x ( B
B 0 ) μ ( L
L 0 ) ν ,
x =
μ =0
ν =0
( μν ) y ( B
B 0 ) μ ( L
L 0 ) ν .
y =
μ =0
ν− 0
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