Geography Reference
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The construction principle is as follows. A point P 0 ( L 0 ,B 0 ) is defined as the origin of a local
reference system .The x c axis of the coordinate system, which is called “Hochwert” (Soldner
wording), agrees with the chosen reference meridian L 0 . A point P ( L, B ) is described by geodetic
parallel coordinates as follows. Through the point P , we compute the unique geodetic line ,which
cuts the meridian L 0 at a right angle to produce the footprint point P F . The length of the geodesic
P - P F is chosen as the y c coordinate, which is called “Rechtswert” (Soldner wording). The angle
which is in between the local meridian of the point P and the geodetic parallel through the point
P is called meridian convergence γ = A PF −π/ 2. The angle γ is fixed as the northern part of the
meridian, lefthand-oriented positive. We always say that the azimuth of the coordinate line y c =
const. is the angle γ . Most notable, the geodetic parallel y c not a geodesic. Compare
with Fig. 20.4 .
The y c lines produce the geodesic field . In contrast, the
geodetic parallels are the orthogonal trajectories d s 2
E ( x c ,y c )d x c +d y c =d x 2 + G ( x, y )d y 2 .
20-31 First Problem of Soldner Coordinates: Geodetic Parallel
Coordinates, Input {
L 0 ,
B 0 ,
x c = y,
y c = x
} Versus Output
(Meridian Convergence) }
For the problem of given coordinates
L 0 ,B 0 ,x c = y, y c = x
and unknown coordinates
, we use the standard method of Legendre series u = s cos α 0 P and v = s sin α 0 P .
In Box 20.7 , the details are collected.
L, B, γ
Box 20.7 (The problem of given coordinates {L 0 ,B 0 ,x c = y, y c = x} and unknown
coordinates {L, B, γ} ).
First, we rewrite ( 20.73 )-( 20.75 )intermsof u = s cos α 0 P and v = s sin α 0 P and obtain
(the coecients [ μν ] are collected in Box 20.5 and have to be computed at the point B 0 )
B P = B 0 + [01] v
versus L P = L 0 + [10] u versus α P 0 = α 0 P + [10] α u
+[20] u 2
+[11] uv
+[11] α uv
+[02] v 2
+[12] uv 2
+[12] α uv 2
+[21] u 2 v
+[30] u 3
+[30] α u 3
+[03] v 3
+[31] u 3 v
+[31] α u 3 v
+[40] u 4
+[13] uv 3
+[13] α uv 3
+[22] u 2 v 2
+ ...
+ ....
+[04] v 4
+ ...
First step: determine L F ,B F F0 , starting point P 0 ,s = y = x c ,x = y c =0 F0 = π/ 2
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