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Fig. 20.1. Gnomonic projection of the sphere, the straight lines are geodesics (great circles), the loxodromes
(rhumblines) are circular . Great circle (1) and rhumb line (2)
Section 20-1.
The elaborate presentation of Riemann polar/normal coordinates starts in Sect. 20-1 by the setup
of a minimal atlas of the biaxial ellipsoid, namely in terms of
ellipsoidal longitude, ellipsoidal
meta-longitude, meta-latitude
.Boxes 20.1 and 20.2 collect all fundamental ele-
(two-dimensional ellipsoid-of-revolution, semi-major axis A 1 ,
semi-minor axis A 2 ). The Darboux frame of a one-dimensional submanifold in the two-dimensional
manifold E
ments of surface geometry of E
A 1 ,A 2
A 1 ,A 2
is reviewed, in particular, by Corollary 20.3 , the representation of geodetic cur-
vature, geodetic torsion, and normal curvature in terms of elements of the first and second funda-
mental form as well as of Christoffel symbols. First, we define the geodesic . Second, we define the
geodesic circle following Fialkow ( 1939 ), Schouten ( 1954 ), Vogel ( 1970 , 1973 )and Yano ( 1940a ,
1942 ) enriched by two examples. Corollary 20.2 states that a curve is a geodesic if and only if it
fulfills a system of second order ordinary differential equations ( 20.42 ). In contrast, a curve is a
geodesic circle if and only if it fulfills a system of third order ordinary differential equations ( 20.43 ).
Proofs are presented in Appendix E-1 and E-2 . Finally, we define Riemann polar/normal coordi-
nates and by Definition 20.4 the Riemann mapping.
Section 20-2.
Section 20-2 concentrates on the computation of Riemann polar/normal coordinates. First, by
solving the two second order ordinary differential equations of a geodesic in the Lagrange por-
trait , namely by means of the Legendre recurrence (“Legendre series”), in particular, initial value
problem versus boundary value problem, by the technique of standard series inversion . Second,
the three first order ordinary differential equations of a geodesic in the Hamilton portrait (“phase
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