Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
In this section, we review mappings of the ellipsoid-of-
revolution onto the circular cone. They range from equidis-
tant mappings on the set of parallel circles (they lead to
typical elliptic integrals of the second kind) to conformal
mappings (summarized by ( 19.16 )-( 19.18 ), of type equidis-
tant on one circle-of-reference and of type equidistant on
two parallel circles: the celebrated Lambert conformal conic
mapping ), and finally to the equal area mappings of type
equidistant and conformal on the reference circle as given
by ( 19.38 )and( 19.39 ), of type of a pointwise mapping of
the central point, equidistant and conformal on the par-
allel circle, and of type of an equidistant and conformal
mapping on two parallel circles (the celebrated Albers equal
area conic mapping ). The Lambert conformal conic map-
ping and the Albers conformal conic mapping were, of
course, developed on the sphere instead of the ellipsoid-
With this summary, we close this chapter. In the chapter that follows, let us have a more
detailed look at geodesics and geodetic mappings.
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