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“Sphere to Cone”: Pseudo-Conic Projections
Mapping the sphere to a cone: pseudo-conic projections. The Stab-Werner mapping and the
Bonne mapping. Tissot indicatrix.
First, let us develop the general setup of pseudo-conic projections from the sphere to a cone .
Second, let us present special pseudo-conic mappings like the Stab-Werner mapping and the
Bonne mapping including illustrations.
18-1 General Setup and Distortion Measures of Pseudo-Conic
Conic projections, polyconic projections. Mapping equations, deformation tensor. Lemma of
Vieta and postulate of equal area mapping.
In general, pseudo-conic projections are based upon the setting ( 18.1 ) if we use spherical longitude
Λ and spherical co-latitude Δ = π/ 2
Φ and polar coordinates α and r . The next extension leaves
us with the polyconic projections of type ( 18.2 ). Our analysis is based upon Lemma 18.1 .
α = α ( Λ, Δ )= Λ cos Δ, r = r ( Δ )= f ( Δ ) ,
α ( Λ, Δ )= g ( Δ ) Λ cos Δ, r = r ( Δ )= f ( Δ ) .
Lemma 18.1 (Equiareal mapping).
A general mapping of any surface to the plane is equiareal or area preserving if and only if
det[C l ] / det[G l ]=1 .
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