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1) s r
q r− 2 s p 2 s
1) s +1 r
r/ 2
( r +1) / 2
β r
α r
2 s
2 s
r =3
s =0
r =3
s =1
q r− 2s+1 p 2 s− 1 ,
= α 0
+( β 1 I 2 + α 1 A) p
β 0
+ vec −α 2 β 2
, vec −β 2 −α 2
T p
+O 3 ,
β 2 α 2
α 2 β 2
identifying the conformal transformation group, namely of type translation (parameters α 0 and
β 0 ), of type rotation (parameter α 1 ), of type dilatation (parameter β 1 ), and of type special-
conformal (parameters α 2 and β 2 ) up to order three (O 3 ), actually the six-parameter subalgebra
C 6 (2) of the infinite dimensional algebra C (2) in two dimensions
2 . Note that the
rotation parameter α 1 operates on the antisymmetric matrix ( 16.18 ), while the matrices ( 16.19 ),
which generate the special conformal transformation, are traceless and symmetric.
A:= 01
q, p
}∈ R
H 1 :=
H 2 :=
α 2 β 2
β 2 α 2
β 2
α 2
α 2 β 2
There remains the task to determine the coecients α 0 0 1 1 2 2 etc. by means of prop-
erly chosen boundary condition.
16-2 The Oblique Reference Frame
Oblique reference frame and normal reference frame, central oblique plane, circle-reduced
meta-longitude and circle-reduced meta-pole.
In the following discussion, let us orientate a set of orthonormal base vectors { e 1 , e 2 , e 3 } along
the principal axes of
[( x 1 ) 2 +( x 2 ) 2 ] A 1 +( x 3 ) 2 A 2 =1 ,A 1 R
A 1 ,A 2
+ ,A 2 R
Against this frame of reference
e 1 , e 2 , e 3 ,
(consisting of the base vectors e i , and the origin
). we introduce the oblique one
e 1 , e 2 , e 3 ,
by means of ( 16.20 ) illustrated by Fig. 16.3 .
e 1
e 2
e 3
e 1
e 2
e 3
= R 1 ( i ) R 3 ( Ω )
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