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Section 15-1.
Section 15-1 offers a review of the Korn-Lichtenstein equations of conformal mapping subject
to the integrability conditions which are vectorial Laplace-Beltrami equations on a curved sur-
face, here with the metric of the ellipsoid-of-revolution. Two examples, namely UMP and UPS,
are chosen to show that the mapping equations x ( L, B )and y ( L, B ) fulfill the Korn-Lichtenstein
equations as well as the Laplace-Beltrami equations. In addition, we present in Appendix D afresh
derivation of the Korn-Lichtenstein equations of conformal mapping for a (pseudo-)Riemann man-
ifold of arbitrary dimension. The standard Korn-Lichtenstein equations of conformal mapping for
a (pseudo-)Riemann manifold of arbitrary dimension extend initial results of higher-dimensional
manifolds, for instance, by Zund ( 1987 ). The standard equations of type Korn-Lichtenstein which
generate a conformal mapping of a two-dimensional Riemann manifold can be taken from standard
textbooks like Blaschke and Leichtweiß ( 1973 )or Heitz ( 1988 ).
Section 15-2.
Section 15-2 aims at a solution of partial differential equations of type Laplace-Beltrami (second
order) as well as Korn-Lichtenstein (first order) in the function space of bivariate polynomials
x ( l,b )and y ( l,b ) subject to the definitions ( 15.1 ). The coe cients constraints are collected in
Corollaries 15.1 and 15.2 . Note that the solution space is different from that of type separation
of variables known to geodesists from the analysis of the three-dimensional Laplace-Beltrami
equation of the gravitational potential field.
l := L
L 0 ,
b := B
B 0 .
Section 15-3.
Section 15-3 , in contrast, outlines the constraints to the general solution of the Korn-Lichtenstein
equations subject to the integrability conditions of type Laplace-Beltrami , which lead directly
to the conformal coordinates of type Gauss-Krueger or UTM . Such a solution is generated by
the equidistant mapping of the meridian of reference L 0 , for UTM up to a dilatation factor,
as the proper constraint ( x (0 ,b )=0and y (0 ,b ) given). The highlight is the theorem which
gives the solution of the partial differential equations for the conformal mapping in terms of a
conformal set of bivariate polynomials. Throughout, we use a right-handed coordinate system,
namely x “Easting” and y “Northing”. Boxes 15.4 and 15.5 contain the non-vanishing polynomial
coecients in a closed form.
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