Geography Reference
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Fig. 5.8. Spherical vertical section, equiareal mapping of the sphere to the tangential plane at the North Pole,
azimuthal projection
S 2 R onto the tangent space T N S 2 R Tissot ellipses, polar aspect, graticule
Fig. 5.9. Equiareal map of the sphere
15 , shorelines
5-24 Normal Perspective Mappings
R of radius R to a tangential plane at
the North Pole, the South Pole, or an equatorial plane is of focal interest in Mathematical Car-
tography, in Photogrammetry, in Machine Vision as well as in Aeronautics and Satellite Geodesy.
Here, as soon as we have generated the general parameterized mappings of the perspective type,
we introduce more specific projections: the gnomonic projection ,the orthographic projection ,and
the Lagrange projection . Based on Figs. 5.10 , 5.11 ,and 5.12 , we design the elements of a first
perspective projection. At first, we locate the perspective center at O outside the sphere on the
southern axis of symmetry North-Pole-South-Pole. The perspective center O is the origin of
The general normal perspective mapping of the sphere
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