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Y =
X sin Ω cos I + Y cos Ω cos I + Z sin I =
A 1
E 2 )sin Φ sin I )=
1 − E 2 sin 2 Φ
cos Φ cos Λ sin Ω cos I +cos Φ sin Λ cos Ω cos I +(1
A 1
E 2 )sin Φ sin I ) ,
(+ cos Φ cos I sin( Λ
Ω )+(1
E 2 sin 2 Φ
Z = X sin Ω sin I
Y cos Ω cos I + Z cos I =
A 1
E 2 )sin Φ cos I ) , (3.146)
(cos Φ cos Λ sin Ω sin I
cos Φ sin Λ cos Ω cos I +(1
E 2 sin 2 Φ
such that
tan A = cos Φ cos I sin( Λ Ω )+(1 E 2 )sin Φ sin I
cos Φ cos( Λ
Ω )
E 2 )sin Φ cos I
cos Φ cos Λ sin Ω sin I
cos Φ sin Λ cos Ω cos I +(1
tan B =
cos 2 Φ cos 2 ( Λ
E 2 )sin Φ sin I ] 2 .
Ω )+[cos Φ cos I sin( Λ
Ω )+(1
Let us here additionally collect the result of the transformation
Λ, Φ
A, B
by the following
Corollary 3.10 .
Corollary 3.10 (The change from one chart to another chart: cha-cha-cha, the surface normal
ellipsoidal longitude/latitude versus the oblique quasi-spherical longitude/latitude).
Given the longitude of the ascending node Ω as well as the inclination I of the oblique equatorial
plane, then the transformation of surface normal ellipsoidal longitude/latitude into oblique quasi-
spherical longitude/latitude is represented by ( 3.147 ).
End of Corollary.
of type oblique quasi-spherical longitude/latitude
are not orthogonal. Accordingly, the matrix of the metric of E A 1 ,A 2 in terms of these coordinates
contains off-diagonal elements. Finally, we note that the terms up to order three of the corre-
sponding Taylor series expansions can be determined by resorting to the partial derivatives of
Box 3.23 .
It should be noted that the coordinates
A, B
Box 3.23 (Partial derivatives up to order three).
cos 2 B cos I − sin A sin B cos B sin I
(cos A cos B cos Ω
(tan Λ ) ,A =+
sin A cos B sin Ω cos I +sin B sin Ω sin I ) 2 ,
cos A sin I
(tan Λ ) ,B =
sin A cos B sin Ω cos I +sin B sin Ω sin I ) 2 ;
(cos A cos B cos Ω
N = N ( A, B ):=cos 2 B cos I
sin A sin B cos B sin I,
M = M ( A, B ):=cos A sin I,
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