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be identified without inconsistencies. Sometimes, the angular parameter ω is called ambiguity .
As it is outlined in Boxes 3.18 and 3.19 ,the identity postulate ( 3.90 ) leads to trigonometric
equations for
(given ω, I ,and Ω ). Accordingly, we
are able to transform forward and backward between the oblique frames of reference subject to
[ E 1 , E 2 , E 3 ] =[ e 1 0 , e 2 0 , e 3 0 ] , [ E 1 , E 2 , E 3 ] =[ e 1 , e 2 , e 3 ] . Compare with Fig. 3.10 ,
which illustrates the commutative diagram for oblique frames of reference. The essential formulae
for transforming E
ω, I, Ω
(given λ 0 and φ 0 )and
λ 0 0 }
E are collected in Lemmas 3.4 , 3.5 , and Corollary 3.6 .
These transformation formulae are summarized and numerically tested in the following section.
e 0 as well as e 0
Fig. 3.10. Commutative diagram for oblique frames of reference
E 1
E 2
E 3
=R 2 π
E 1
E 2
E 3
φ 0 R 3 ( λ 0 )
e 1
e 2
e 3
=R 3 ( ω )R 1 ( I )R 3 ( Ω )
e 1 0
e 2 0
e 3 0
Box 3.18 (Transformation between oblique frames of reference: first design, second design).
(i) E → E
E 1
E 2
E 3
E 1
E 2
E 3
=R 3 ( ω )
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