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Now, we are well-prepared to solve the forward and backward transformation problems, which are
also called the direct and the inverse transformations , which can be characterized as follows. (i)
Direct transformation: given the longitude λ and the latitude φ of point x
r in the conventional
equatorial frame of reference as well as the spherical coordinates
of the meta-North
Pole, find the meta-longitude α and the meta-latitude β (alternatively, the meta-colatitude ψ )
of an identical point in the meta-equatorial (oblique) frame of reference of the sphere
λ 0 0 }
r . (ii)
Inverse transformation: given the meta-longitude α and the meta-latitude β in the meta-equatorial
(oblique) frame of reference as well as the spherical coordinates
of the meta-North Pole,
find the longitude λ and the latitude φ of an identical point in the conventional equatorial frame
of reference of the sphere
λ 0 0
r .
S r equatorial as well as meta-equatorial (oblique) frame of reference
Fig. 3.7. Horizontal section of
Solution (the third problem, direct transformation).
Such a problem can be immediately solved as outlined in Boxes 3.3 - 3.6 .First,wehaveparam-
eterized the transformation of reference frames { e 1 0 , e 2 0 , e 3 0 |O} → { e 1 , e 2 , e 3 |O} by means
of the pole position 0 0 } . Second, the placement vector x S
r of a point of the reference
sphere is represented in both the conventional equatorial frame of reference
{ e 1 , e 2 , e 3 |O}
in the meta-equatorial (oblique) frame of reference
e 1 0 , e 2 0 , e 3 0 |O}
at the origin
we substitute
by means of the backward trans-
formation of reference frames, our first setup. The final representation of the placement vector
x ( λ, φ ; λ 0 0 ) is achieved in terms of (i) conventional equatorial coordinates
e 1 , e 2 , e 3 |O}
in favor of
e 1 0 , e 2 0 , e 3 0 |O}
λ, φ
and (ii)
of the meta-North Pole. The corresponding two coordinate trans-
formations α ( λ, φ ; λ 0 0 )and β ( λ, φ ; λ 0 0 ) are derived in Box 3.5 . The three identities for
(i) cos α , (ii) sin α , and (iii) sin β or cos ψ are derived by representing (i) x 0 = r cos β cos α , (ii)
y 0 = r cos β sin α , and (iii) z 0 = r sin β = r cos ψ in the oblique frame of reference. The first
identity is also called spherical sine lemma , the second identity is also called spherical sine-cosine
lemma , and the third identity is called spherical side cosine lemma . Indeed, we have derived the
collective formulae of Spherical Trigonometry, however, in a way to be used for other reference
equatorial coordinates
λ 0 0 }
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