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Here, we conclude with a representation of the left as well as the right inverse mapping, namely
Φ l :
}→ X ( P,Q )and Φ r :
x ( p, q ) in terms of conformal coordinates (isometric,
isothermal) of Box 1.37 , which specializes Φ l and Φ r of Box 1.21 .
P, Q
p, q
End of Solution (the fourth problem).
Solution (the fifth problem).
By means of Fig. 1.27 , we illustrate why “UPS” is called stereographic . The stereographic projec-
tion of the “left” ellipsoid-of-revolution
r isbaseduponthree
elements of projective geometry of type central perspective . First, we define the perspective center ,
here the ellipsoidal “left” South Pole S l as well as the spherical “right” South Pole S r . Second, we
define the bundle of projection lines leaving S l and S r , respectively, and intersecting
A 1 ,A 1 ,A 2
and the “right” sphere
A 1 ,A 1 ,A 2
at P l
N l
N r
r at S r . Third, we define the projective plane
, respectively, namely the tangent
A 1 ,A 1 ,A 2
r at the “right” spherical North
planes T N l E
at the “left” ellipsoidal North Pole and T N r S
Pole, respectively. The projection lines S l
P l intersect the projective plane at p l ,anelement
of the “left” tangent plane at the “left” North Pole, and the projection lines S r
P r intersect
the projective plane at p r , an element of the “right” tangent plane at the “right” North Pole.
Note that we have collected th e fundam ental “left” and “rig ht” ratios of projective geometry in
Box 1.38 . Their conversion to P 2 + Q 2 “left” and p 2 + q 2 “right” generates the map Φ
f ( Φ )
and φ
g ( φ ), respective ly. The projective planes are covered by po lar coord inates of type
{ P 2 + Q 2 cos α l , P 2 + Q 2 sin α l }
{ p 2 + q 2 cos α r , p 2 + q 2 sin α r }
and of type “right”
P 2 + Q 2 , p 2 + q 2
are the radial coordinates ,
α l r
are the “le ft” and “right”
South azimuths . The central perspective generates P 2 + Q 2 = f ( Φ )versus p 2 + q 2 = g ( φ )
and α l = Λ versus α r = λ . Indeed, “UPS” is azimuth preserving: the “left” azimuth is identified
as ellipsoidal longitude, the “right” azimuth as spherical longitude, and
P ( Λ, Φ )= f ( Φ )cos Λ versus p ( λ, φ )= g ( Φ )cos λ,
Q ( Λ, Φ )= f ( Φ )sin Λ versus q ( λ, ( p )= g ( Φ )sin λ.
End of Solution (the fifth problem).
Box 1.38 (Projective geometry of type central perspective).
Left projective ratio:
Right projective ratio:
S l N l , X 2 + Y 2
Z l P l
N l p l = S l Z l
P 2 + Q 2 = A 2 + Z
Z r P r
N r p r = S r Z r
S r N r ,
2 A 2
x 2 + y 2
p 2 + q 2 = r + z
2 r
f ( Φ ):
g ( φ ):
A 1 cos Φ
1 − E 2 sin 2 Φ
P 2 + Q 2 =
r cos φ
p 2 + q 2 =
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