Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Best Practices - Java EE Applications
To provide some simple guidance for entering this world, I
have compiled this best-of-the-best list of what I feel are the
most important and significant best practices for Java EE. In
order to avoid omitting critical best practices the list instead is
an essential top best practices for Java EE application.
Web Tier
Leverage MVC
Clean separate business logic (Java beans and EJB
components) from controller logic (servlets/Struts actions)
from presentation (JSP, XML/XSLT). Good layering can
cover a multitude of sins.
This practice is so central to the successful adoption of Java
EE that there is no competition for the #1 slot.
Model-View-Controller (MVC) is fundamental to design a
good Java EE application. It is simply the division of labor of
your programs into the following parts:
Those responsible for business logic (the Model - often
implemented using Enterprise JavaBeans or plain old Java
objects). Those responsible for presentation of the user
interface (the View). Those responsible for application
navigation (the Controller -- usually implemented with Java
servlets or associated classes like Struts controllers).
There are a number of problems that can emerge from not
following basic MVC architecture. The most problems occur
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