Java Reference
In-Depth Information
• This document provides the following UML views
o Class Diagram
o Component Diagram
o Deployment
o Sequence Diagram
• Overview of non-functional aspects for the solution and how
they are addresses in the solution.
Objective and Scope
This section describes the scope and objective for the Zamco
Market Integration Project. The Oil and Gas industry is under
constant pressure to innovate. Geopolitical instability,
environmental issues, and rising energy prices and
consumption have created a business environment where
inflexible oil companies are punished by a combination of
free market pricing and government sanctions, but where
nimble and flexible companies can reap monetary rewards.
Zamco is an oil company headquartered in the United
Kingdom, with important operations in Russia, Africa, and
the Gulf of Mexico. The company has recently entered into an
agreement with a large oil auctioning marketplace to bring its
product to market more efficiently, improving cash flow and
reduce the cost of distribution. The internal business case at
Zamco projects cost savings of 22 percent over five years and
improved margin and yield management of 7 percent per
annum over the current steady state of the business
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