Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Often installations find that the database server runs out of
capacity much sooner than the WebLogic Server does. You
must plan for a database server that is sufficiently robust to
handle the application. A good application will require a
application server hardware.
Multiple Nodes Vs Single Node in Production
It will be sufficient to deploy a single server instance on a
machine for limited number of concurrent user's e.g 400
concurrent users, since the Application Server and
accompanying JVM are both designed to scale for multiple
processors. However, it can be beneficial to create multiple
instances on one machine for application isolation and rolling
Deployment Environment - Cloud or Physical
You may choose one of three deployment environments:
• Renting a physical server - Is the most expensive but may
be more cost-effective in the long term, especially if there is
permanent high load on the server.
• Renting a Virtual Private Server (VPS) -Offerings have
low resources (such as 0.5-1.5 GB, ~ 1 GHz) and are thus
rarely suitable for Java EE
Cloud Deployment - very flexible (easy addition of a new
instance, scale an instance up/down) will provide very good
SLAs, but the final price may increase due to various small
fees that gets accumulated.
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