Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Appendix IV: Sizing and Capacity Planning
Benchmark your code on hardware similar to what you'll be
using in production, identify any bottlenecks, then determine
how much of a workload your current hardware can handle,
and/or how much hardware horsepower you need to handle
your target workload.
A brief overview of the process:
• Create User Scenarios
• Add monitoring capability
• Add User Load
• Analyze results
• Remediate
• Rinse & Repeat
Step I: Create User Scenarios
Set up an environment to test against. This should be a fairly
close your production hardware if possible, otherwise you
will be left extrapolating your data. Set up your servers,
accounts, websites, bandwidth, etc. Even if you do this in
VMs that's OK just as long as you're prepared to scale your
Step II: Add Monitoring Capability
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