Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Java EE is big framework and if a development team is just
starting with Java EE, it is far too difficult to try learning it all
at once. There are simply too many concepts and APIs to
master. The key to success in this environment is to take Java
EE on in small, controlled steps.
This approach is best implemented through building small,
vertical slices through your application. Once a team has built
its confidence by building a simple domain model and
back-end persistence mechanism (perhaps using JDBC), and
has thoroughly tested that model, they can then move onto
mastering front-end development with servlets and JSPs that
use that domain model. If a development team finds a need
for EJBs, they could likewise start with simple session
facades atop container-managed persistence EJBs or
JDBC-based DAOs (Data Access Objects) before moving
onto more sophisticated constructs like message-driven beans
and JMS. This approach is nothing new, but relatively few
teams actually build their skills in this way.
Instead, most teams cave in to schedule pressures by trying to
build everything at once -- they attack the View layer, the
Model layer, and the Controller layer in MVC,
simultaneously. Instead, consider adopting some of the new
Agile development methods, such as Extreme Programming
(XP), that foster this kind of incremental learning and
development. There is a procedure often used in XP known as
Model First that involves building the domain model first as a
mechanism for organizing and implementing your user
stories. Basically, you build the domain model as part of the
first set of user stories you implement, and then build a UI on
top of it as a result of implementing later user stories. This fits
very well with letting a team learn technologies one at a time,
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