Graphics Programs Reference
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Apply the light to the old topic on the table:
1. Select the old topic model's 3D layer.
2. In the 3D panel, go to the Light section.
3. Keep the default Ininite light to give a global light to the topic; this light
is supposed to come from the candlelight.
Next, we will create a Spot light that fall from the candlelight to the area
around it on the table, which will cover parts of the topic:
1. Create a new Spot light from the New Light icon.
2. Move the light to give the efect of the candlelight falling on the topic, as
in Figure 9.11.
3. Set the Hotspot Angle to 35 degrees to give more of a focus on the area
just under the candlelight.
4. Set the Fallof Angle to 50 degrees to make a wide circle of light fade out
away from the candlelight.
Repeat the Spot light steps with the wood table to complete the efect of a
spot of light applied to the paper:
1. Select the 3D wood table layer.
2. In the Light section, choose a new Spot light from the New Light icon.
3. Use the 3D Rotate and Move tools to place the Spot light in the same
place as the Spot light applied to the topic model to complete the
candlelight efect on the topic and the table.
4. Set the Opacity and the Color values of the new Spot light to complete
the light on the old topic.
Figure 9.11   The 3D candlelight: inal 
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