Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
The painting efect results depend on the painting mode, and you can
choose the 3D Paint Mode from the 3D menu. The available painting
modes are:
• Difuse
• Bump
• Glossiness
• Opacity
Figure 8.11   The 3D painting modes.
While the difuse mode paints on the 3D object using the paint colors, the
other modes use the grayscale of the color to create texture efects such as
the bumping efect we mentioned above. On the other hand, when you
choose the opacity mode, you can use the painting brush to create
transparency areas on the 3D model.
Since practice is our best method for understanding the feature, the
following example shows how to use the painting feature to paint over a 3D
hand statue to give it more color details. The 3D painting gives you more
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