Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
• Replace Materials: Loads external materials and replaces the current
• Default: Loads the materials that do not support ray trace quality.
Note: As we mentioned in Chapter 8, in addition to the existing material
presets, you can download extra materials via 3D > Browse 3D Content
Online, which takes you to the Adobe 3D resources site, from which you
can download extra materials as ZXP iles. Double-click the ile once
downloaded to install it in Photoshop CS5 through Adobe Extension
Manager CS5. Follow the installation guidelines and restart Photoshop to
inish installing these materials.
The Repoussé feature actually extrudes the path or selection area to give it
the three-dimensional efect. The Extrude section controls the extrusion
settings for the 3D Repoussé objects. The Extrude section includes the
following settings:
• Depth: Increases or decreases the dimensions of the object in the Z axis
and gives it more perspective. The depth value ranges from 0 to 10.
Scale: When you create the extrude efect over an object, the object
extends in the Z axis and the back side is actually a duplicate of side of
the model facing you. However, the scale value changes the scale of the
back side of the extruded object. The scale value ranges from 0 to 10.
Twist: Twists the 3D object either clockwise or counterclockwise. The
range of the twist value ranges from + 3600 to 3600.
Texture: Sets how the texture will be applied to the object. The Texture
option includes Fill, Tile, or Scale options. The Fill option adds the texture
to the object; the Tile option repeats the texture if it is smaller than the
area; and the Scale option makes resizes the texture to ill the entire
surface of the object.
In addition to these settings, two options are afected by the registration
point and the X and Y angle. The Shear option changes the direction of the
extrusion around the basic 2D face that is used to create the 3D object.
Similar to a 2D shear, this option slides the parallel planes relative to each
other. The Bend option bends the extruded object.
When you select either of these two options, you can change the center
point of the efect by clicking on any of the small squares that represent the
object registration points that represent the center point for the shear or
bend. However, this option is similar to the Transform tool, in which you can
drag the center point to any of the sides. Here, you can click on any of the
points to use it as an end point.
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