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Fig. 26.1 Framework for assessment scales
(Clinical Dementia Rating) for ADL/DEMENTIA, are also widely used. Non-
cognitive signs are captured e.g. by NPI [4] (Neuropsychiatric Inventory), CMAI
[3] (Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory) and BEHAVE-AD [18]. NPI is particu-
larly useful in home care [21]. Depression is usually captured in its own right as a
non-cognitive aspect of dementia, where e.g. GDS [23] (Geriatric Depression Scale)
is widely used in home care. Depression is known to accelerate cognitive decline.
Nutrition scales are important, as are the scales for social conditions, and so on and
so forth.
The selection of assessment scales to be used is of utmost importance and must be
optimized with respect to professional resources available in the particular service
field where the OAD gerontechnological platform is to be installed and used.
Accurate monitoring of assessment scale based data supports also dementia dif-
ferential diagnosis [6] according to guidelines as provided e.g.
by DSM-IV [1]
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