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should always be true according to classical logic. Thus, it seems that vagueness is
in conflict with classical logic and vice versa. By the way, this fact has already been
discovered in 1923 by one of the founders of classical logic himself [7].
The indeterminacy of being or not being a member of a vague class brings with
it that objects can be members of a vague class to different extents. So, in charac-
terizing their membership, linguistic hedges such as more or less, very, very very,
and others come into play such that an object x may be stronger than another ob-
ject y a member of a vague class C . While, for example, nobody has a brother of
whom we could say “he is a very brother”, many of us have read some topics of
which one can say “this is a very interesting book”. Thus, the class of brothers is
not vague, whereas the class of interesting topics is vague. The susceptibility to
linguistic hedges is a typical characteristic of vague classes. It renders a vague class
granular. We can thus say that a vague class is susceptible to linguistic hedges and
As mentioned previously, fuzzy logic is a conceptualization and precise theory
of vagueness, specifically, of ontically vague classes, including relations. The key
notion of the entire system of fuzzy logic has been and still remains the concept
of fuzzy set . Fuzziness is the property of a fuzzy set to be fuzzy. Therefore, it
is appropriate to differentiate between vagueness, as sketched thus far, on the one
hand; and fuzziness , on the other. Vagueness is not fuzziness, and fuzziness is not
vagueness. But what is fuzziness exactly?
The Nature of Fuzziness
After we have approved the postulate that vagueness exists in the world out there,
we can now ask the corresponding question whether fuzziness tooexistsintheworld
out there. To answer this question, I shall first make the notion of fuzziness a little
bit more precise by constructing what I shall call a fuzzy structure . To this end we
recall the concept of fuzzy set .
To obtain a fuzzy set, we need three things:
= a collection of objects
= a function that maps
to [0, 1]
= x
) |
Ω .
, μ (
We need, first, a finite or infinite collection of objects, here symbolized by
also called a base set or universe of discourse; second, a function, here symbolized
, which maps
to the unit interval; third, an emerging subset A in, or over,
which consists of pairs of objects such that the first object, x, is an element of
the second object is the function value
μ (
, referred to as the degree of membership
of x in fuzzy set A .
We can use this basic terminology to introduce a new concept which will help us
decide whether there exists fuzziness in the world:
Definition 2. An object
is a fuzzy structure if and only if there are
, A, and
such that:
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