Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
identification is a “special” data group, common to all the documents. Due to it, it
is discarded from the processes explained later.
This logical organization of documents and their content, allows the processing
and analysis of the information, as much at document level as at individual data
items level or data group level. Here we consider the data groups as the minimum
unit of information, since a single data item can be managed as a data group with
just one element.
EHR Information System
The structure of the system is shown in Figure 23.3. The users access the system
using medical workstations. These are normal PCs, light PCs (or net PCs), medical
devices like the X-Ray systems or the ultrasound scans, or the most recently incor-
porated terminals as the Tablet PCs and PDAs. The user then log on the system
and access to a Citrix 1 farm of servers where the applications are executed. All the
data are stored in a data base cluster using Oracle DBMS 2 . The screen-shot of the
Doctor's interface once logged is shown in Figure 23.2.
Fig. 23.3 Structure of the system
This system, as legally demanded, stores each access to the EHR, indicating
the data acceded and, in case of modification, the modified data; the staff mem-
ber acceding; and the assistance situation (called “controlled assistance situation” )
in which the access occurs.
From now on, we will call this access data base as
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