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Recently, Nakama et al. [14, 15] have established factorial ( m -way with m
ANOVA for fuzzy data. A factorial layout is designed to statistically examine the
effects of two or more factors that each involve at least two levels. For concreteness,
we will describe two-way ANOVA.
Two-way ANOVA statistically determines wether two factors affect a response
significantly. For example, suppose that we measure a response to two different
drugs, drugs 1 and 2, in both men and women. Here the two factors are drug treat-
ment and gender. In statistics, the two factors are described as independent vari-
ables, and the response is described as the dependent variable of this experiment.
Two-way ANOVA tests the following null hypotheses:
(a) Drug treatment has no effect on the response.
(b) Gender has no effect on the response.
(c) There is no interaction between drug treatment and gender in affecting the re-
By (c), we mean that the effect of drug treatment does not depend on gender. The
following is an example of interaction between the two factors: For men, the re-
sponse is increased by drug 1 but decreased by drug 2, whereas for women, the
response is decreased by drug 1 but increased by drug 2.
Suppose that we examine the effects of factors 1 and 2 that have I and J levels,
respectively. In the example described above, drug treatment has two levels (drugs
1 and 2), and gender also has two levels (male and female). Let X ijk denote a fuzzy
random variable that represents the k th observed value of the dependent variable
measured under level i of factor 1 and under level j of factor 2. In two-way ANOVA
(and more generally factorial ANOVA), an unbalanced design may introduce artifi-
cial differential effects of one factor (or of interactions) on the marginal means of
the other factor. Thus we assume that for each level of factor 1 and for each level
of factor 2, there are K observations (thus 1
K ). In two-way ANOVA, we
consider the following additive statistical model:
X ijk = μ + α i + β j + γ ij + ε ijk ,
ε ijk represents the random component of the model. In (19.1),
α i denotes the
main effect of level i of factor 1 on the dependent variable, and
β j denotes the main
effect of level j of factor 2. The interaction between the two factors is quantified by
γ ij , which denotes the effect of concurrently having both level i of factor 1 and level
j of factor 2.
Using this notation, the null hypotheses corresponding to (a)-(c) can be ex-
pressed as follows:
H ( 1 )
Factor 1 has no effect:
α 1 = α 2 = ··· = α I .
H ( 2 )
Factor 2 has no effect:
β 1 = β 2 = ··· = β J .
H ( 1 , 2 )
There is no interaction between factors 1 and 2:
γ 1 , 1 = γ 1 , 2 = ··· = γ IJ .
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