Environmental Engineering Reference
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Figure 2.8
Typical hand trucks and carts used to transport materials (from Kroemer et al.
may choose to ignore mechanical assists or use them improperly in an effort to
become more productive.
3.2.1 Time Standards and Cycle Time
The chief complaint of workers whose job is reconfigured to include a materials
handling assist device is that the cycle time for the tasks increases significantly.
In other words, the time required to attach the load to the device, transport it
to the new location, and unattach it from the device is significantly longer than
physically picking up the load, carrying it to the new location, and releasing the
load. If the device is introduced and time standards are not adjusted accordingly,
workers often revert to manual methods in very short order. This can be the
case even when time standards are adjusted, because the risk of lifting is not
easily judged, while the benefits of additional free time within the work cycle
are immediate and apparent. In introducing an assist device, it is imperative
that management insist that the device is used on every work cycle and that
time standards are appropriately determined to take into account the added time
required to use the device.
Although increased cycle time often accompanies the use of an assist device, it
has been our experience that novel approaches can many times be used to reduce
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