Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
c. Compile hydrogeological information and preparation of location map
for soils (depth, texture, structure, bulk density, porosity, permeability,
moisture, ease of excavation, stability, pH, and CATION exchange
capacity), bedrock (depth, type, presence of fractures, and location of
surface outcrops), groundwater (average depth, seasonal fluctuations,
hydraulic gradient and direction of flow, rate of flow, quality, and uses).
d. Compile climatological data such as precipitation, evaporation, tem-
perature, number of freezing days, and wind direction.
e. Identify regulations (federal, state, local) and design standards applica-
ble for loading rates, frequency of cover, distances to residences, roads,
surface water and airports, monitoring, groundwater quality standards,
roads, building codes, and contents of application for permit.
3. Design of filling area
a. Select landfilling method based on site topography, site soils, site
bedrock, and site groundwater.
b. Specify design dimensions for cell width, depth, length, fill depth, liner
thickness, interim cover soil thickness, and final soil cover thickness.
c. Specify operational features such as use of cover soil, method of cover
application, need for imported soil, equipment requirements, and per-
sonnel requirements.
4. Design features:
a. Leachate controls
b. Gas controls
c. Surface water controls
d. Access roads
e. Special working areas
f. Special waste handling
g. Structures
h. Utilities
i. Recycling drop-off
j. Fencing
k. Lighting
l. Wash racks
m. Monitoring wells
n. Landscaping
5. Prepare design package:
a. Develop preliminary site plan of fill areas.
b. Develop landfill contour plans. Details should include excavation plans
(including benches), sequential fill plans, completed fill plans, fire,
litter, vector, odor, and noise controls.
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