Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2.15 Load rule Header properties.
Figure 2.16 Years suspense hierarchy in Load rule hDynSQL.
objects in ODI (10 Interfaces) and Essbase (10 Load rules) to two overall. It has been my experience that the fewer the
objects, the less there is to go wrong, Additionally, the Procedure and Load rule (the Load rule will need a one-time dimen-
sion assignment per database) can be used across multiple Essbase databases. This flexibility and reuse underscores the
flexibility and power of both ODI and Essbase, They really are that awesome.
2.4.4 Loading Data
now that every dimension that could have orphaned metadata has been dealt with, a sim-
ple data load to Essbase must occur. note that like the dimension building Packages,
this step does not use the standard oDI guI approach for two reasons:
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