Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 10.2 HypSetSheetOption Options
Option Name
zoom Level
During a “drill” operation,
such as double clicking on
a member, sets the effect
the operation will have.
If set to (1) all levels, a zoom operation
will return all ancestors and descendants
of the currently selected member. If set to
(2) bottom level, a zoom operation will
return all the base level (level-0)
members that descend from the zoomed
Include Selection
When you zoom on a
member, this option will
determine if the member
is to remain on the sheet
along with the returned
set of members.
If zoom Level (above) is (2) a zoom
operation will return the member you
zoomed on and its base level
descendants. If you keep only on a cell
within a selection of cells, the rest of the
grid will remain and the cells in the
selection will all be removed except the
cell on which keep only was performed.
Within Selection
This setting will restrict
zoom, keep only, and
remove only operations to
the currently selected
cells, leaving unselected
cells unchanged.
When zooming, with zoom level set to
bottom level, only the selected members
will actually zoom to the base level
descendants with this option enabled
With (1) zoom Level set to Base Level, (2)
Include Selection set to true, and (3)
within selection set true and (4) remove
unselected set true, if the first three
members on a report at selected and in
that selection the second member is right
clicked and zoom in is chosen, the report
will clear except for the first three rows and
all the base level members of the members
in the first three rows will be added.
Data from oracle hyperion Smart view for office, Fusion Edition release 1.11.1 copyright 2004, 2008, oracle.
remove unselected
With this option enabled, a
zoom operation will be
performed on the selected
cells per the within
selection setting and
remove all the unselected
cells and their
corresponding data from
the sheet
If (isSVError(svRetVal)) Then
Call handleSVError(svRetVal, "HypCreateConnection",
Exit Sub
End If
End If
isConnected = (HypConnected(sSheet) = HYPERION_IS_CONNECTED)
If isConnected Then
SVDisconnect sSheet
End If
svRetVal = HypConnect(sSheet, sUser, sPassword, sConnName)
If (isSVError(svRetVal)) Then
Call handleSVError(svRetVal, "HypConnect", "SVconnect")
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