Database Reference
In-Depth Information
This member information method is unique in that you can specify the order in
which the members are sorted before they are returned. In the above example, you see
the default sort order, which is the natural order. This is the same order in which you
see member names when zooming in with the Excel add-ins. If you would like to see the
members in outline order with parents before children, you can use the <SortnonE
command in the query.
// query members from the cube
results = cube.queryMembers("<DESCENDANTSOF Product <SORTNONE");
This query produces the following output that is sorted, of course, in outline order.
Name: Product
Name: 100
Name: 100-10
Name: 100-20
Name: 100-30
Name: 200
Name: 200-10
Name: 200-20
Name: 200-30
Name: 200-40
Name: 300
Name: 300-10
Name: 300-20
Name: 300-30
Name: 400
Name: 400-10
Name: 400-20
Name: 400-30
Name: Diet
Name: 100-20
Name: 200-20
Name: 300-30
The documented options for sorting members include the following commands.
Finally, you can return a number of properties of a member using the <FormAt
command in the query. here is an example that returns member name, alias and level
number of the children of Product.
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