Database Reference
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// use member set overload
"<OutputType Binary <SelectMbrInfo ( MemberName, ParentMemberName )",
"@MERGE(@CHILD(Colas), @CHILD(\"Diet Drinks\"))");
According to the documentation, the member name returns Cola, Diet Cola, Caffeine
Free Cola, Diet root Beer, and Diet Cream Soda. The documentation also notes that
Diet Cola appears only once in the merged list even though it is a child of both Colas
and Diet. When @mErgE is used with executeQuery , the Diet Cola member is returned
twice, which is contrary to the documented behavior.
Name: 100-10
Parent: 100
Name: 100-20
Parent: 100
Name: 100-30
Parent: 100
Name: 100-20
Parent: Diet
Name: 200-20
Parent: Diet
Name: 300-30
Parent: Diet
8.7.5 Getting IEssMember Objects Using IEssCubeOutline.executeQuery
Finally, there are two overloads of IEssCubeOutline.executeQuery that we need to
discuss briefly. The reason this conversation will be brief is that both overloads of
IEssCubeOutline.executeQuery appear to be broken in Essbase 11.1.2. regardless of the
arguments you use to open the outline or the arguments used in the executeQuery call
itself, this method throws the following exception.
Error: Cannot query members by name. Essbase Error(1060000):
Invalid outline handle passed to ESSOTL function
This method seems promising as it should return fully described objects. however,
given the fact that it does not appear to work, I would not recommend spending any
time on this method until it is fixed.
In this section, we have seen how useful the IEssMember object can be and have
discussed numerous ways to obtain an IEssMember object. Additionally, we discussed
many of the limitations of IEssMember objects that are dependent on the method by
which it was obtained. After this discussion, you may be thinking that the Essbase
Java APIs for working with members are unnecessarily complicated (or even a jumbled
mess). you are probably right. That being said, if you exercise care, use sufficient test
cases and follow good rules of thumb, you can get a wide variety of useful information
from the APIs. In summary, the rules of thumb to use when using IEssMember objects
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