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// return the members
IEssIterator members = selection.getMembers();
// loop the members and print
for (int i = 0; i < members.getCount(); i++) {
// get the member
member = (IEssMember)members.getAt(i);
// print it
printMember("IEssMemberSelection.executeQuery-" + i, member);
he IEssIterator.getAt method returns a generic object that you must cast to an
IEssMember before use. Further, if you run executeQuery multiple times, you must fetch
all of the member objects returned for one executeQuery before calling executeQuery a
second time. The results from this execute query are below.
=== IEssMemberSelection.executeQuery-0 ===
Name: 100-10
Level: 0
Parent: 100
Related Members-Parent: Error: Cannot get related member names.
Essbase Error(1013384): Unknown Error: Not a valid entry
=== IEssMemberSelection.executeQuery-1 ===
Name: 100-20
Level: 0
Parent: 100
Related Members-Parent: Error: Cannot get related member names.
Essbase Error(1013384): Unknown Error: Not a valid entry
=== IEssMemberSelection.executeQuery-2 ===
Name: 100-30
Level: 0
Parent: 100
Related Members-Parent: Error: Cannot get related member names.
Essbase Error(1013384): Unknown Error: Not a valid entry
There are a couple of things to note from these results. First, you can easily see from
the exception raised by the getRelatedMembers method that the IEssMember objects are
partially described objects. Also, you should note that the base member is not returned,
so if you need information about that member, you may need to do a separate query.
As this query returns members based on a relationship, any shared members that are
returned should show the proper parent member. here is an example of this overload
that returns the children of Diet.
// execute the query on a parent of shared members
selection.executeQuery("Diet", EssMemberSelection.QUERY_TYPE_
0, "Product", null, null, 0, 1000);
As we are querying for the children of Diet, it seems that the objects returned by this
query should have Diet as the parent. however, it appears that this overload does not
properly return shared members.
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