Database Reference
In-Depth Information
gv.setValue(2, 1, 100);
gv.setValue(2, 2, 100);
gv.setValue(2, 3, 100);
gv.setValue(2, 4, 100);
gv.setValue(3, 1, 100);
gv.setValue(3, 2, 100);
gv.setValue(3, 3, 100);
gv.setValue(3, 4, 100);
gv.setValue(4, 1, 100);
gv.setValue(4, 2, 100);
gv.setValue(4, 3, 100);
gv.setValue(4, 4, 100);
The creation of the operation is very straightforward, but locking the data cells
for update does give us some things to think about. When you lock data cells,
Essbase will place an exclusive write lock on data blocks where the data for the
given data cells are located. There are two ways to lock blocks in the Essbase Java
API. First, you can explicitly lock the blocks with the IEssOpLock operation, call
the IEssOpUpdate operation to write the data, and then unlock the blocks using
an IEssOpUnlock operation. Alternatively, you can use the IEssOpUpdate.setPre-
viousLockRequired method to direct the IEssOpUpdate operation to automatically
lock and unlock the cells. If the value passed to setPreviousLockRequired is false
or, in other words, if the cells have not been previously locked by an IEssOpLock
operation, the IEssOpUpdate operation will automatically lock the cells before the
update and then unlock the cells after the update is complete. here is the code to
update the cells.
// create the operation
IEssOpUpdate update = cv.createIEssOpUpdate();
// mark it as locked
// perform the operation
If you are working with an ASo database, the process is a little different.
ASo databases do not store their data in blocks, thus, there is no way to lock the blocks
for update. When writing to an ASo database, you must pass a Boolean value of true to
the setPreviousLockRequired method and not call IEssOpLock or IEssOpUnlock . In fact,
if you call the methods to lock or unlock data blocks on an ASo database, the Essbase
API will throw an EssException .
once the update is complete, we can retrieve the cells back from the database. In this
example, we are reusing the same retrieve object used previously. This is an important
point because it demonstrates that you can use the same IEssOperation object for mul-
tiple operations.
// now redo the retrieve
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