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Solve-order range 50-75: translation/redirection is used when you absolutely,
positively insist on writing mDx, make your life easy; write it using the natural, untrans-
lated ntuple at the highest level of the Solve-order group that makes sense. In other
words, if you are using the [time Span] or natural Sign or the “Flow Data” techniques
introduced above, use the normal member names you expect your users to use in their
queries. Let the mDx you wrote to translate these to, for example, JanytD and do not
worry about the few processing cycles you could have saved. Then you can let your care-
fully organized hierarchy of Solve-order groups translate it into the actual structure of
your cube. The performance impact of your mDx will not be high as long as you do not
reference something with a higher Solve-order than that of the member to which you
are attaching the mDx.
In conclusion, let ASo be ASo, use Stored hierarchies wherever possible, and, finally,
Stop writing code: nobody will think less of you.
7.10 aFterwarD anD Caveat to the reaDer
As many people have noted, there is little written about the Black Box that is the inter-
nal workings of Essbase ASo. What I have included within this chapter is from neither
any secret documents nor any extensive discussions with the development team. It is
based on my own analysis of the documentation that is available and training in com-
putational theory remembered from many years ago in engineering school and other
work I have done since then. While I have not reverse engineered code to verify the
mechanisms I have described, I have tested the implications of my “gedanken” (thought)
experiments in real code.
readers are cautioned to test and verify for themselves these rules and to realize that
the results I have presented are limited by my skills in formulating test scenarios.
readers are also encouraged to challenge these rules and invited to communicate
with me via LinkedIn regarding any test results or conditions that seem to point out
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