Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Starting with late version 7.x up to the newest releases of 11.1.2.x, how Essbase handles
the use of partitioning with ASo cubes has dramatically changed. In the late version 7,
if a partitioning source to target table had existed, it would have looked like table 5.5.
As indicated by the source and target cells in bold, there were not very many combi-
nations of partitioning that included ASo cubes that were valid. The fact is that oracle
did not even bother with a chart in the DBAg (even in version 9.3.1) because what could
be done with ASo cubes in partitions had not changed. A lot of time was spent writing
up how you could create write-back applications for ASo cubes by creating a transpar-
ent partition between a Source ASo cube and a target BSo cube. They tried, then and
now, to sell everyone on how efficient this would be—decreasing calculations and reduc-
ing the size of the database. Did anyone actually implement this as a solution for write-
back? If it was implemented in this fashion, it certainly was not wide-spread.
Fast-forward to today and the most recent version, and that same partitioning source
to target table would now look like table 5.6.
Table 5.5 Version 7.x Partition Capabilities (4 Options)
Partition Type
Block Storage
Block Storage
Aggregate Storage
Block Storage
Aggregate Storage
Aggregate Storage
Block Storage
Aggregate Storage
Block Storage
Block Storage
Aggregate Storage
Block Storage
Aggregate Storage
Aggregate Storage
Block Storage
Aggregate Storage
Block Storage
Block Storage
Aggregate Storage
Block Storage
Aggregate Storage
Aggregate Storage
Block Storage
Aggregate Storage
Table 5.6 Version 11.1.2.x Partitioning Capabilities (10 Options)
Partition Type
Block Storage
Block Storage
Aggregate Storage
Block Storage
Aggregate Storage
Aggregate Storage
Block Storage
Aggregate Storage
Block Storage
Block Storage
Aggregate Storage
Block Storage
Aggregate Storage
Aggregate Storage
Block Storage
Aggregate Storage
Block Storage
Block Storage
Aggregate Storage
Block Storage
Aggregate Storage
Aggregate Storage
Block Storage
Aggregate Storage
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