Geology Reference
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the air, and indeed the whole of life, all rejoiced in their knowing that this moment might
at last signal the beginning of the end for our outdated, death-dealing objectifying view
of the Earth.
Sensing the Round Earth
Lie down on your back on the ground in your Gaia place. Relax and take a few
deep breaths. Now feel the weight of your body on the Earth as the force of gravity
holds you down.
Experience gravity as the love that the Earth feels for the very matter that makes
up your body, a love that holds you safe and prevents you from floating off into
outer space.
Open your eyes and look out into the vast depths of the universe whilst you sense
the great bulk of our mother planet at your back. Feel her clasping you to her
huge body as she dangles you upside down over the vast cosmos that stretches out
below you.
What does it feel like to be held upside down in this way—to feel the depths of
space beyond you and the firm, almost glue-like support of the Earth behind you?
Now sense how the Earth curves away beneath your back in all directions. Feel
her great continents, her mountain ranges, her oceans, her domains of ice and
snow at the poles and her great cloaks of vegetation stretching out from where
you are in the great round immensity of her unbelievably diverse body.
Sense her whirling air and her tumbling clouds spinning around her dappled sur-
Breathe in the living immensity of our animate Earth.
When you are ready, get up, breathe deeply, profoundly aware now of the living
quality of our planet home.
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