Geology Reference
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Alan Rayner. Z.R. Watkins and J.R. Beeching. 'Self-intergration—an emerging concept
from the fungal mycelium' in The Fungal Colony (N.A.R. Gow, G.D. Robson and
G.M. Gadd, eds.) , Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Alan Rayner, Presidential address: 'Fountains of the forest: the interconnectedness
between trees and fungi', Mycol. Res. 102: 1441-1449, 1998.
Alan Rayner, 'Inclusionality: An Immersive Philosophy of Environmental Relations'
in Towards an Environmental Research Agenda (A. Wimett & A. Warhurst eds.),
pp.5-20, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
Alan Rayner, 'Interconnectedness and individualism in fungal mycelia' in A Century of
Mycology. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Suzanne Simard, David A. Perry, Melanie D. Jones, David D. Myrold, Daniel M. Dur-
rall and Randy Molina, 'Net transfer of carbon between ectomycorrhizal tree species
in the field' in Nature , 388: 579-582, 1997.
Paul Stamets, Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save The World , Ten
Speed Press, 2005.
Tom Wakeford, Liaisons of Life , Wiley, 2001.
Chapter 9: Desperate Earth
P. M. Cox, R. A. Betts, C. D. Jones, S. A. Spall and I. J. Totterdell, 'Acceleration of
global warming due to carbon-cycle feedbacks in a coupled climate model', Nature ,
408, pp.184-187, 2000.
IPCC, Climate Change 2007 (4th Assessment Report), Cambridge University Press,
James Lovelock, The Revenge of Gaia , Allen Lane, 2006.
James Lovelock, The Vanishing Face of Gaia , Allen Lane, 2009.
W. Steffen et al, Global Change and the Earth System , Springer, 2004.
Robert T. Watson (editor), Climate Change: Contribution of Working Groups I, II, III
to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ,
Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Chapter 10: Gaia and Biodiversity
Gregory Bateson, Mind and Nature , Hampton Press, 2002.
Rachel Carson, Silent Spring , Pelican Books, 1998.
Hector et al, 'Plant diversity and productivity experiments in European grasslands'.
Science , 286, pp.1123-1127, 1999.
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