Game Development Reference
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Listing 6-1. NanoGL Initializer for Android: nanogl.cpp
// nanogl.cpp: Some code has been removed for simplicity
// GL ES structure with GL function pointers
#include "glesinterface.h"
#define GL_ENTRY(_r, _api, ...) #_api,
// function pointer names. Must match glesinterface.h
static char const * const gl_names[] = {
#include ""
// OpenGL ES lib pointer
static void* glesLib = NULL;
GlESInterface* glEsImpl = NULL;
extern void InitGLStructs();
static void gl_unimplemented() {
LOGE ("Called unimplemented OpenGL ES API\n");
// Create GLES interface
// name : Library name
// lib, lib1: 2 shared libraries to try to load GL symbols from
// defaut_func: Function to call if load symbol fails
static int CreateGlEsInterface( const char * name, void * lib, void * lib1, void *
default_func )
// alloc space
if ( !glEsImpl )
glEsImpl = (GlESInterface *) malloc(sizeof(GlESInterface));
if (!glEsImpl) {
return 0;
// load GL API calls
char const * const * api;
api = gl_names;
// nanoGL interface pointer
void ** ptr = (void **)(glEsImpl);
while (*api)
void * f;
f = dlsym(lib, *api); // try
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