Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
OnStopMusic(String name) : This fires on stop music background.
It delegates to the receiver.
OnSetMusicVolume(int volume) : This fires when the user sets the music
volume. It delegates to the receiver.
Native Methods
The native methods invoke the native Doom engine. The following are the three basic native
static native int DoomMain(String[] argv) : This method invokes the
main game loop of the Doom engine.
static native int keyEvent(int type, int key) : This method sends a
key event to the engine. The event type is either EV_KEYDOWN or EV_KEYUP .
The argument key must be an ASCII symbol, not an Android key code.
This means the key code must be translated before being sent to
the engine.
static native int motionEvent(int b, int x, int y) : This method
sends a motion event to the engine (such as when the user drags a
finger on the display). The first argument is a mouse button (always zero
in this case) plus the x and y coordinates of the event itself.
static native int DoomMain(String[] argv) requires a list of
arguments and blocks execution, so it must be run within a thread. The
following are the most important arguments:
width defines the width of the video buffer.
height defines the height of the video buffer.
iwad defines the game to be played. The following game files are
supported by the engine:
doom1.wad : This is the shareware episode of Doom.
doom.wad : This is the retail episode.
doom2.wad : This is the second episode in the Doom series.
plutonia.wad : This is the Plutonia Experiment episode, part of the
Ultimate Doom series.
tnt.wad : This is an episode dubbed Evilution, also part of the
ultimate Doom series.
file defines extra game files to be used by the engine.
For example, to play Doom shareware in landscape mode, the list arguments that must be
sent to DoomMain (as a String array) would be doom -width 480 -height 320 -iwad doom1.wad .
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