Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
// Right
new View.OnTouchListener(){
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent evt) {
int action = evt.getAction();
if ( action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
else if ( action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
return true;
// More ...
Handling Audio Independently of the Format
The audio classes are implemented in the package and consist of two files:
AudioManager and AudioClip .
AudioManager is a singleton class similar to the AudioManager class presented in the previous
chapter. Some of the method signatures are different to accommodate the Doom engine,
such as the following:
preloadSounds() : This method preloads the most common Doom
sounds to improve performance. Sounds are encoded in WAVE format.
startSound(String name, int vol) : This method starts the sound
given by a name key at volume vol . The key does not include the file
extension, and the volume ranges from 0 to 100.
startMusic (Context ctx, String key, int loop) : This method
starts a background music file given by key and loops if loop is set to
anything other than 0. An Android context is required by the background
AudioClip .
stopMusic (String key) : This method stops the background music
given by key .
setMusicVolume (int vol) : This method sets the background music
volume. vol ranges from 0 to 100.
A great thing about AudioClip is that it provides a format-independent way of playing
sound (behind the scenes Android will take care of the dirty work of dealing with the format
drivers), plus it will work in all versions of Android, thus giving you the widest range of
device support.
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