HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
var test = 0;
When the script is run and reaches this break point, the debugger has references to both the
audio and video objects, and you can explore their implementations within the debugger.
Figure 20 shows the video element in the newest Canary build for Google's Chrome. Notice
the support for several new vendor-specific properties (designated by the “webkit” prefix).
Notice also the support for the seekable property, which is of type TimeRanges . This prop-
erty is formally supported in the HTML5 specification, and, in fact, was necessary in order to
implement the fourth version of the custom media control, described in the last section.
To access the debugger for our five target browsers, follow these guidelines:
▪ For Chrome, access the Tools main menu (look for the wrench), then the Tools submenu,
and finally select Developer Tools.
▪ For Opera, access the Tools main menu, then the Advanced submenu option, and select
Opera Dragonfly.
▪ For Safari/Webkit Nightly, select the Page main menu (document icon), and then the
Develop submenu option. From the options that appear, select Start Debugging JavaScript.
▪ For Internet Explorer, press F12, or select the Tools main menu option, then the F12
Developer Tools submenu option. The Developer Tools open in a separate window. You'll
need to enable script debugging. For IE10, select the Debug menu option, then F12
Developer Tools.
▪ For Firefox, you'll need to install Firebug. Once installed, make sure the Add-on Bar is
showing, and then click the Firebug icon in the Add-on Bar.
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