HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Multiple Text Tracks
In addition to support for multiple video and audio tracks, HTML5 also provides support for
multiple text tracks, as well. The text tracks are accessed through an array of TextTrack ob-
jects via HTMLMediaElement's textTracks property.
The TextTrack interface has no methods but does have several properties:
A live TextTrackCueList object representing the text track list of cues for the TextTrack
objects that are flagged as active.
A live TextTrackCueList object representing the text track list of cues. The cues provide
information to the user agent for rendering.
The kind of text track object.
The text track language of the text track.
The ready state for the text track.
Whether the text track is on or off, and whether hidden or not.
The kind and language attributes will be discussed in more detail in the next section, cover-
ing the track element. The readyState property can be one of four constant values:
NONE (0)
NONE (0)
The text track is not loaded.
The text track is loading.
The text track is loaded.
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